Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So you want to know how to pick a stock?

I have spent the last 5 years on Wall Street in different roles (both sell and buy side) and have come to realize that the skills I acquired from my experiences are invaluable. Since I left my bond trading position back in March, I have also realized that not everyone is familiar with the Street's ways despite his/her interest in the markets or in the economy at large.

My goal for this blog is to help internet strangers figure out how to analyze a stock or a bond so that they can make an informed decision for themselves. Each person in this country has felt the economic downturn in some shape or form and I think we are all trying to figure out how better to be "Street smart." I include myself in this mix since the markets are ever changing and evolving.

I will warn everyone and say that I am no longer working for a firm and I am not a licensed individual. The company names I will discuss on this blog are for informational purposes only and you must DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH before executing any investment decision. I am not infallible and I welcome anyone else with ideas to come and share information.

So, please join me on my quest to participate in the markets as an active investor. Since I just started this blog today, I have to pick the first real entry and am open to ideas if you are willing to leave a comment ;-)

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